Monday, June 13, 2011

Hostel Hopping

The Moon in Sagittarius gets us moving. We need wide open minds, souls, and attitudes, but can't sit still.

Perfect. I'm on the move!

While studying in Chile I got used to explaining, "I'm here for 3 1/2 months and then I have 2 weeks to travel afterwards." Those 2 weeks got closer and closer, but with the busyness of the last part of my program, I didn't give them much thought. Traveling around South America was a blurry fantasy-soon-to-be-reality that had not taken form even in a plan. Luckily some girls in my group had a little more foresight than I did, and I decided to join them in their adventures. Now I am with Isabel, Jill, and Katy, and we've made our way from Santiago over through Mendoza, Argentina and to Buenos Aires. Tomorrow we're takin a boat to Montevideo, Uruguay. In Buenos Aires we've joined our fellow hostelers at a club, wandered through a huge cemetery with elaborate tombs, checked out a craft fair, made various on-a-buget but good meals, meandered through an antique fair that spreads down blocks and blocks on a narrow street every Sunday, watched a great tango show in a plaza, watched a more trashy version of tango while drinking sangria in a restaurant, walked around the famous Plaza de Mayo, gotten a huge flank of steak, and generally seen how people get sucked into the draws of traveling. Oh man, I am such a cliche of a young 20-something with a backpack and hostel reservation!

Lovin you!

1 comment:

  1. Liza--

    Now that you're back home, I finally figured out how to comment! Loved following you on your blog. Love you!

