Monday, May 23, 2011

Three months

Another moon in Aquarius. The Moon in Aquarius connects us to our community....We abstract, communicate, and work the crowd, but may be less intimate.

Which community is the moon connecting me to? I feel like a half moon myself, hovering between different worlds. As my program comes to an end, I'm finding myself in yet another transition in life, not quite grounded in anything. And some might recall, transitions scare the shit out of me! At the very least, they throw me in a funk.

Now, I'm faced with the classic, ahhh, I didn't do everything I wanted to do while I was in Valparaíso thoughts, and I'm not ready to leave. I even had a dream that I started selling crafts on the street to make money to stay all summer. I'm also having the ahhh, what am I doing next? thoughts. With my head having been in my project for the past couple weeks, I've been saying, "I have two weeks to travel after the program" without making any plans, whatsoever. After those thoughts come the ahhh, what am I doing this summer? thoughts. I have no idea yet.

Luckily, the Moon in Aquarius reminds us that we are in this together. All my compañeras in the program, who also have to say goodbye to Chile soon; all my friends from home and school who are doing random, awesome, lovely things this summer; the world, who goes through raptures and revolutions and riots* --- we're all transitioning. I started getting all squeamish about it today....but I had the same feeling about three months ago, and everything has turned out WONDERFULLY.

*ask me about the riots


  1. Tell me about the riots! Aunt Lis

  2. ok, i might have taken a bit of poetic liberty with "riot" --- but it worked better with the alliteration....but definitely protest
