Monday, February 14, 2011

Addicted to Documentaries

With the discovery of our Netflix online and some free time, I've been watching a lot of documentaries. My family and some friends in Steamboat can attest to this, being the victims of my rants on newfound topics of interest. I wish I was better at relaying information that I'm passionate about, but usually I just start throwing out random butchered facts and resort to, "it's just important" if my loved ones don't follow my line of thought as avidly as hoped. I won't spare anyone my documentary addiction, so here's a few that are just important. Somebody watch them and enable me with impassioned conversation!

All of Us

Why I like it: The movie addresses a population that I am not a part of -- black females, and more specifically poor black women in the South Bronx with HIV. The fact that black women constitute ~ 60% of the HIV/AIDS cases in the US but only a little more than 6% of the population is enough to captivate me and ask why that is. But the movie also broadens the concern from HIV to the power a woman does/doesn't feel her relationships, which is something I think all women and men should think and talk about.

Oh, and the young, inspirational doctor is pretty hot!

Dr.  Mehret Mandefro

The Business of Being Born

Why I like it: No, don't worry, I'm not pregnant. But I do think women should know more about their options when it comes to giving birth, and while we're looking at the health care system we might as well look at how births fit into that discussion.

South of the Border

Why I like it: Ok, this one might be the most relevant to me right now. Even though the movie doesn't include Chile, I think it's probably a good idea to look at South America away from the lens of the United States' media in general. One of my favorite parts is right at the beginning in a clip where a Fox News reporter confuses cocoa and coca and indignantly accuses Hugo Chavez of "apparently, allegedly" chewing chocolate leaves and paste that he gets from the Bolivian dictator, president, dictator ("is he a dictator too?").  
Warning: this documentary contains a bunch o' socialist, commie bastards. Just Kidding!

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Hey Liza, I found your blog link on FB- I'm excited to read about your chilean perceptions and adventures!

    I watched south of the border with Alvaro and we watched the news reporter confuse the words- and then rewound and re-watched about 4 times because were in such disbelief (and it was hilarious). While I don't agree with all of Chavez's politics, I liked how the film called out all of our (north american) confusions, misconceptions, and terrible involvements in the region.

  2. hey! oh man, i found it on youtube and katie and i watched it over and over. i'm interested in getting people's perspective here...and it seems like most people are really open to talking about their opinions if you ask!
