Thursday, February 10, 2011

Waxing Half Moon

The Moon in Taurus grounds us.

I love my planner. Mostly because it tells me things like, The Moon in Taurus grounds us. My lovely friend Lilli introduced me to the We'moon. A planner that is oh so much more than a place to scribble plans, this "astrological moon datebook and daily guide to natural rhythms for womyn" oozes inspiration daily and follows the cycle of the Moon as closely as a woman's body in nature (but provides lunar details that go unnoticed to those of us not so in tune).

Tonight the waxing moon moved into Taurus.

It slows us down and wakes our sensual nature and stubbornness.

Oooh, I am feeling stubborn. We'll see how that manifests. And indeed, I need to slow down and collect myself before I head off to my next adventure. Could I also ask Taurus to slow time down too, for packing purposes?

The Moon in Taurus helps us dig deeper roots. Time to: garden, cultivate seeds, relationships and ideas, make love, nurture, take a stand, embody.

I feel resistant to this. Some stubbornness of mine is saying, "I'm leaving, why would I dig in now?"

Leaving is a perfect reason, though, to ground myself, remind myself of the powerful, loving roots I have at home. And although any pipe dream of gardening in Steamboat has been frosted over with a brisk -40 and covered in 4 new feet of snow, I will metaphorically till the seeds of my existing friendship and love so that I feel nurtured as I begin to cultivate new relationships and ideas on my next adventure.

Ah, We'Moon (and my moon) make me so sentimental.

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