Saturday, February 5, 2011

Blog Bandwagon

I’m jumping on the bandwagon. The blog bandwagon.  Katie (sister), always composing her experiences so well, is of course my first and foremost inspiration. After following her to the Puget Sound, I failed to follow her updating footsteps since being in school.  However, I’m back on track (stay tuned for a future farming internship in about three years).  Some friends from school have also motivated me with their beautiful posts about their fresh adventures in South America that have made me think maybe I should write about my trip too. If not for anyone else, myself, I suppose. At least, that’s what some blogs I’ve come across have claimed to do for their authors, provide a venue for self-realization. Sign me up! I’ll take a serving of that -- perhaps with a side of enlightenment, if possible.

Actually, looking back, the blog inside me began to stir three years ago when Google searches of ‘bus conversions’ consumed my time and I came across The Enchanted Gypsy, a complete stranger who I quickly felt I knew ( Still, Pixie (yes, her name is Pixie) and her husband were embarking on a “life-long adventure,” a radical way of life --- converting a school bus to live in and run on veggie oil, traveling around the country, starting a family on said bus --- but of course she had something interesting to write about. 

It wasn’t until I recently stumbled across another hippie mama ( that the blog within got louder. It has become a phenomenon similar to the one in which everything you do can be expressed as a one-line Facebook status in your mind. (ex. Liza Darlington is sitting in her robe, rambling about blogs), and I’ve started visualizing my words flowing onto cyber pages. Although the cute cage-free family has an equally note-worthy alternative lifestyle to that of the Enchanted Gypsy, I’ve begun to realize that it is the daily details, the not-so-epic anecdotes that are charming and somewhat captivating. And whether they are valuable only to the author as a reflection, to a select few who need to check up on their adventuring loved one, or an unexpected, vast audience made up of strangers who feel like they know you (actually, you could say I know Pixie ‘cause I saw her at the Faerie Ball in Eugene ;) --- blogs are fun. So I’m jumping on the bandwagon.

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